Touch Interface Designer has been designed to not interfere with other widgets that are added to the screen. The widget created by the manager has a ZOrder of 0, which means that all widgets that have a ZOrder greater than 0 will be on top of the touch interface widget. This poses no problem unless the position of a widget is above a button or a virtual joystick for example. The same is true for gesture detection. Also pay attention to the visibility of your widgets, as they may prevent the touch interface widget from detecting inputs.
The priority is always to the widget which has the largest ZOrder then goes down to the touch interface widget. The touch interface captures all inputs so if a widget with a ZOrder of -1 is added to the screen then this widget will not receive any input since these will be consumed by the touch interface widget. In general, the touch interface widget should always be below the other widgets unless you know what you’re doing 😉
To help you design your interface, you can use the UMG Helper Widget that you will find in the Touch Interface Designer section in UMG. This widget allows you to display in real time the virtual inputs of the touch interface you want. More information here.