Set size of virtual input button. Leave to zero has no change. Be careful when changing size of virtual input when in use.
- Control Name : Name of virtual input
- New Visual Size : New size of virtual input
- New Interaction Size : New interaction size of virtual input (Use only X for radius interaction type)
Set size of virtual input button. Leave to zero has no change. Be careful when changing size of virtual input when in use.
- Control Name : Name of virtual input
- New Visual Size : New size of virtual input
- New Thumb Size : New size of thumbstick
- New Interaction Size : New interaction size of virtual input (Use only X for radius interaction type)
Set size of interaction of Touch Region.
- Control Name : Name of virtual input.
- New Interaction Size : New interaction size of virtual input.
The functions above will be replaced in a future update.
Set position of virtual input in touch interface widget. Negative value has no change. Be careful when changing position of virtual input when in use.
- Control Name : Name of virtual input
- New Center : New position of virtual input. Should be normalized to 0 to 1.
- Landscape Position : Should be applied for landscape or portrait.