Create new Impact Context #
First, create a new Impact Context asset. Right-click in the content browser and in the context menu, go to Impact Designer and select Impact Context. Then name this new asset as you wish. For the example, I’ve called mine IC_Bullet because it contains all the effects that will be triggered by a projectile from a firearm.
Add physical surfaces, if you haven’t already done so, by clicking on the small + and entering a name such as Concrete. Note that you can also do this via the project parameters in the physics section. You can then set the parameters for each physical surface.
The principle is quite simple: you assign a physics material to each surface to differentiate them. You specify the surface properties and whether the projectile can bounce or pass through the surface. Finally, you can add modules such as the Spawn Niagara Effect, which spawns a niagara component at the point of impact. Some modules are pre-integrated with Impact Designer, while others will be added as updates are released. You can create your own if you wish.
When you’ve finished, go to the plugin settings (Project settings > Impact) and add a new element to the Impact Contexts variable, specifying a name such as Bullet, and assign it to the impact context you’ve just created.
Create new projectile #
First, create a new projectile. Right-click in the content browser and in the context menu, go to Impact Designer and select Impact Projectile. Then name this new asset as you wish. For the example, I’ve called mine BP_PlayerProjectile.
You can then set the parameters of the projectile and its component (Impact Projectile Movement). If you don’t want to bother for the moment, you can leave the default values. Don’t forget to enter the name of the impact context you wish to use for your projectile.