Keep in mind that virtual shape and virtual shape editor is still in experimental stage
1. Editor Toolbar #
- Corner Threshold : Value used for automatic generation of point.
- Drawer Mode : Toggle drawer mode that allow you to test shape recognition directly in editor.
- Use Timer : Whether or not timer is used to trigger recognition. If disable, you should click on recognize button
2. Viewport #
The viewport is the central element of the editor, providing a real-time preview of your virtual shape. Viewport has two mode.
- Designer Mode : Define shape with points.
- Drawer Mode : Allow you to test shape recognition.
3. Viewport toolbar #
- Auto Closing : Auto closing virtual shape if distance is bellow threshold.
- Grid Snapping : Toggle Grid Snapping and set grid parameter.
- Visualization menu : Allows you to display useful information such as direction, length, bound, order, etc.
4. Tools #
The tools are divided into two parts. The first part concerns active tools. The second part concerns action tools.
Active tools
- Select Tool : Select point that define shape.
- Free draw tool : Free draw. Point will be added automatically.
- Draw tool : Add point manually.
Action tools
- Clear draw : Remove all points in viewport.
- Flatten Vertically : Vertically align all selected points.
- Flatten Horizontally : Horizontally align all selected points.
- Split : Divides selected point into two points.
- Weld : Weld two points together to form a single point.
5. Compile Tab #
In designer mode, contains useful information about the virtual shape. In Drawer mode, indicates whether the shape has been recognized according to the drawing you have made, as well as its matching score.
6. Details Tab #
Contains all variables relating to the virtual shape.
- Name : Name of virtual shape. Should be used for gameplay.
- Friendly Name : Friendly name of virtual shape. Should be used for aesthetic only.
- Cleaner Filters : Filter used to clean user’s drawing data. They are executed in the order in which they are added. This can be important.
- Detect Filters : Filter used to detect shape that is drawn by user. They are executed in the order in which they are added. This can be important.